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“Hi Samira, thanks for that. I really enjoyed today's session and thought it was just right for adults. Will probably book myself on to the next one and can't wait to learn more patterns and techniques. As I said it's a topic I've always been interested in and now I have an opportunity to actually learn and explore it properly.”


Nadia, Harrow

“Salaam Sister, Just wanted to thank you for organising the class today. My wife and I found it thoroughly informative and a great starter to the world of Islamic geometry. Your teaching style is excellent, there was very little time wasted and it is clear to see how passionate you are about this skill.”


Imran, Harrow

“The Kingston course was really enjoyable (didn't know where the 3 hours flew by). I had forgotten how therapeutic and relaxing it can be to get creative on paper. Was lovely hearing about the background to islamic geometry from yourself, it inspired me to learn more. I was up until 2am the following night completing my colouring in”


Munazza, Kingston

"Thank you Samira.  I really enjoyed the workshop! You bring so much enthusiasm and passion to the subject with a calming and welcoming approach. Bravo! 

I was surprised at how relaxed I felt afterwards even though I was trying desperately to focus on the lines and intersections! My life tends to be very rushed most of the time and there was a real sense of calm after the class... The breath of The Compassionate made a lot of sense.  Thanks for the notes. I will try to practice."

Umniya, Kingston

" JazakAllahu khayr for a great workshop. It was a brilliant intro into the world of Islamic geometry and your facilitating skills are top notch (must be the teacher background). If you didn't say that you only done a few workshops, novices like myself will easily assume you are a seasoned pro. I am going to get the equipment and try to find patterns online to have a go at.”


Sarah, Harrow

"Thank you so much for today, you’re an extremely, extremely good teacher! And I wish all the best for you and your classes. I currently live in Scotland but come back to London once a month, so I won’t be able to attend regularly but will try to attend every time I’m down inshallah. Thank you so much for all the information and the PDF."


Muneerah, Harrow

"This course is excellent! The instructions are easy to understand and I always get a great sense of accomplishment when I have completed a lesson. The instructor's voice is clear, easily understood and a very pretty voice. I have thoroughly enjoyed the lessons and have learned valuable information about a beautiful and ancient art."


Marsha, online on Udemy

"Salaam! Its Sukaina from the Islamic Geometry workshop! You are an AMAZING teacher mA, and so so soooo funny and light hearted! I was a little familiar with the rosette pattern, but I thoroughly enjoyed how you taught it in such a clear and engaging matter. I'm so glad I finally put a face to a name and inspiring Instagram account. All the best, may Allah be with you and grant you success, Ameen. Safe travels back iA😊"

Sukaina, Muslimfest

"A brilliant course for anyone completely new to the world of Islamic Geometric patterns. All the course content is easy to follow and will definitely get you hooked into wanting to learn more. I loved how a simple pattern became more intricate when tiled or interlaced and look forward to another course by Samira Mian in the future!"

Naeema, online on Udemy

"I like how the content is organized step-by-step. The written comments are very helpful and the Samira is straight to the point which is just great!"

Ola, online on Udemy

"It was lovely to immerse oneself Samira's geometric art workshop.

We were treated to a jog through two pattern families and constructed 9 tiles! In the second part we were invited to feast on the wide range of art materials, and paint our construction under Samira's nurturing tutelage. I was able to develop my art skills and learn some new ones.

I tried and tested a variety of artist grade brushes and media (watercolour pans and tubes, gouache, metallic powders, pencils, pigment markers, aqua brushes, synthetic, sable and kolinsky brushes....). This enables me to choose what to invest in, as opposed to, wasting money trialling things that I don't like or need.

In summary, a jam packed workshop which arms participants with plenty of skills, ideas and inspiration for the geometric art wilderness in Manchester...until Samira's next workshop."

Aysha, Manchester

Just wanted to drop you an email to say thank you for my first islamic geometry lesson yesterday. I absolutely loved it and was up painting until midnight last night... i managed to buy some watercolour paints... probably not the best quality!


Your teaching technique is amazing and you are so engaging and mindful of how everyones work in progressing. I am sure I will come for another and have recommended your classes already :) 


I love mathematics and loved to see this pattern come together with such perfection.

Sumaera, Kingston

And thank you again for a fantastic workshop, my sister and I had a great time talking to you. It’s sometimes quite nerve wracking to enter creative spaces that are usually run by a particular demographic so you were really a breath of fresh air, very welcoming and made us feel seen on a deeper level with how you approach art and other things. My sister also appreciated being able to pray throughout the day! 

Nisha, Islington

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